Steven LaVoie
Steven comes from a multicultural and very diverse family (Western Asian and Northwest European). Although his family is not Christian, he met some elementary school friends who introduced him to Jesus. Overtime, the Lord drew him to Himself and it was in the summer of 1999, at a Christian camp in southern Ohio, that he accepted the Lord. Since then, he has been growing spiritually in Jesus.
It was in 2012, that the Lord led Steven to go on a mission trip for the first time to Haiti. He obeyed and went in faith. It was there in an unknown land with a different language and culture that he felt the push to pursue cross-cultural work.
After his mission trip, he prayerfully discerned on whether to go directly overseas somewhere or get training. The Lord graciously provided the opportunity to attend the Moody Bible Institute for 4 years in his hometown in Ohio.
While attending Moody, he sought out local mission opportunities and ended up serving the Chinese for around 1 year and half, ministering to Chinese students and learning some of the language and culture. While he greatly enjoyed working with the Chinese, he discerned the Lord would have him work with other people groups.
He graduated from Moody with a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies degree. After graduation, through his local church, he got connected with a mission agency based in Atlanta, GA. He considered on going to France to help with projects aimed towards French speaking Africa however, before doing anything, he had to go to Atlanta for a 5-week training.
It was in Atlanta that he got in touch with a Japanese Christian organization, Second Level and prayerfully discerned on what direction he should take. A year later, God re-directed his steps to move to Atlanta instead of going to France.
For five years, he worked for Second Level, ministering faithfully to the Japanese students and families. He enjoyed his work in Atlanta but sensed that God was leading him to go overseas to Japan. It was through an online social media group for church planters that he encountered Christar.
Steven enjoys going to the gym, reading, studying languages, taking hikes out in nature, and cooking many kinds of foods. He also likes drinking coffee, tea and socializing whenever he can.
It was in 2012, that the Lord led Steven to go on a mission trip for the first time to Haiti. He obeyed and went in faith. It was there in an unknown land with a different language and culture that he felt the push to pursue cross-cultural work.
After his mission trip, he prayerfully discerned on whether to go directly overseas somewhere or get training. The Lord graciously provided the opportunity to attend the Moody Bible Institute for 4 years in his hometown in Ohio.
While attending Moody, he sought out local mission opportunities and ended up serving the Chinese for around 1 year and half, ministering to Chinese students and learning some of the language and culture. While he greatly enjoyed working with the Chinese, he discerned the Lord would have him work with other people groups.
He graduated from Moody with a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies degree. After graduation, through his local church, he got connected with a mission agency based in Atlanta, GA. He considered on going to France to help with projects aimed towards French speaking Africa however, before doing anything, he had to go to Atlanta for a 5-week training.
It was in Atlanta that he got in touch with a Japanese Christian organization, Second Level and prayerfully discerned on what direction he should take. A year later, God re-directed his steps to move to Atlanta instead of going to France.
For five years, he worked for Second Level, ministering faithfully to the Japanese students and families. He enjoyed his work in Atlanta but sensed that God was leading him to go overseas to Japan. It was through an online social media group for church planters that he encountered Christar.
Steven enjoys going to the gym, reading, studying languages, taking hikes out in nature, and cooking many kinds of foods. He also likes drinking coffee, tea and socializing whenever he can.